
The allure of ancient Egypt has endured over many centuries - and this comprehensive site offers further intriguing insights. It examines, in authoritative detail, the main sites, temples and tombs and investigates how mythology and religion underpinned this civilization.

This site looks at the tombs of ancient Egypt and devotes sections to the most famous burial sites: Giza, Saqqara and the Valley of the Kings, where the tomb of the boy-king Tutankhamen was discovered.                                                 It also investigates the temples, from the impressive mortuary temples of the pharaohs, such as Ramesses II, to the temples of the many Gods and Goddesses of ancient Egypt. 

Furthermore, this site introduces us to the gods and goddesses, their characters and identifying features, the myths surrounding them, and their role in Creation. It then discusses the pharaoh as the human embodiment of a divine being and examines how the priests underpinned the divine order.                        Lastly, it looks at the religious beliefs and practices that accompanied the ancient Egyptians through life and death. Elaborate funerary rituals, offerings, festivals and superstitions reveal how far religion influenced and enriched the lives of ordinary people. With maps, chronologies and images, Ancient Egypt captures the essence of this fascinating epoch